NixOS on Digital Ocean

A demonstration with commentary of the NixOS Linux distribution by deploying a service on a node in the Digital Ocean cloud.

You are a system administrator or devops person looking to automate the deployment of a website, a service or an application either somewhere on the cloud or on a private server. You might have experience with or at least looked at some tooling like Chef, Puppet or Ansible. Those tools will get your configuration encoded and deployed, but they all have some serious maintenance problems. Often its easier to just wipe a machine clean and run the configuration from scratch than to accumulate migrating cruft in your scripts.

In this article I’ll demonstrate a relatively young Linux distribution that is built exactly to solve these issues. The operating system can not only be automatically installed on cloud systems like Digital Ocean, but can be fully and deterministically configured from a set of configuration files that can unintrusively be uploaded to a freshly provisioned node using git or scp and then put in effect in an error resistant and fully reversible manner.

A friendly wager

NixOS is a Linux distribution with configuration management baked right into the core. Being designed by those pesky technically superior Haskell people, it’s easy to dismiss it as one of those experimental small time distros that stand no chance in the real world. But I’ll wager you the following:

Once you get the idea of NixOS you will hope to never use other configuration management tools again.

For that to be true though, you first have to experience working with a real system. Here is what is needed to get you going on something that could be a production system.

Deploying NixOS on Digital Ocean

I won’t spend too much time on convincing you with theoreticals, let’s just get past the first major hurdle. Using NixOS means you have to abandon your Linux distribution of choice. No more Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu or even Archlinux. NixOS is a total 90 degree turn from the traditional operating systems, the philosophy just isn’t compatible so forget about the idea of maybe porting the concepts to the distribution you swore your heart to.

To make this demonstration nice and comfortable, we’ll go with deploying on Digital Ocean. You can skip the following few steps if you already have a VM with NixOS installed somewhere.

First, provision a new 1GB RAM 64-bit Ubuntu 15.10 droplet in your datacenter of choice. Make sure your ssh public key is installed so you can easily log into it over SSH. Do so as root and execute the following commands:

 apt-get install -y squashfs-tools unzip
 cd nixos-in-place-master
 ./install -d

It will ask for confirmation, press y to continue and its off. After a few minutes if everything went well the script will ask for your root password, enter it and confirm to reboot.

So what just happened? An excellent tool written by jeaye downloaded and installed NixOS next to the Ubuntu installation and then modified the boot sequence to boot into NixOS instead of Ubuntu.

Making yourself at home

Now ssh back into your machine, you will have to clean the old machine out of your .ssh/known_hosts file, run nano /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and have a look around. The system you are logged into is fully described by this file (and the .nix files it references). The language you’re seeing is a declarative, pure and lazily evaluated. Nix runs the configuration file to produce an expression that describes the state of the configuration, it compares this with the state of the current configuration to determine what needs to change.

Let us make our environment nice and comfortable, the default NixOS configuration is very bare. You can start by uncommenting the line # networking.hostName = .. and giving it a name you like. I like to give it a boring name like nixos-1gb-ams3-1 but you can get creative. I can also recommend getting the i18n and timezone settings set right so you’ll feel right at home.

Then perform our first piece of magic: package management. On NixOS any user can install their own packages without bothering anyone else, but I like it when there’s a few more packages installed on the system per default. To get my favourite packages installed find the part that looks like this:

  # environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
  #   wget
  # ];

And change it to look like this:

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

In the comment above the systemPackages configuration there is a line that shows a simple way to discover packages currently available. Nix packages are found in channels, and a newly provisioned NixOS is subscribed to one channel, the stable nixpkgs repository found here.

Save the file by hitting ctrl+o and then exit with ctl+x. Did you get everything perfectly right? Now is the moment of truth, but not to worry, we’ll first test our brand spanking new configuration.

Run nixos-rebuild test. If you made a syntactic error, it will tell you right away. If you referenced a package that doesn’t exist, or made a configuration that doesn’t make sense it will think for a little and then tell you. If you got everything right then it will proceed and fetch and install packages to the /nix/store and activate the new configuration. Made a horrible mistake? No matter, recovery is just a reboot away. nixos-rebuild test will activate your configuration, but will not actually commit the new configuration to grub. That means when you reboot your machine will be exactly like it was before you did nixos-rebuild test. When you’re happy with what you did, simply run nixos-rebuild switch and its set in stone.

Lets say we’ve suddenly became absolute cURL fanatics and really don’t like wget. Lets open up the configuration.nix file again and remove the wget line, save it and run nixos-rebuild switch. Now try which wget… it’s not there anymore! The configuration file does not only specify what files should exist, it also specifies that everything not in the configuration should not exist. It can’t get cleaner than that.

Getting a service going

So that’s package management, but how about configuration management? Let’s quickly configure a service. It will be an nginx web service inside a docker container managed by systemd. Add the following lines below the line that mentions openssh:

  virtualisation.docker.enable = true; = {
    wantedBy = [ "" ];
    after = [ "docker.service" ];
    requires = [ "docker.service" ];
    serviceConfig = {
       ExecStart = ''${pkgs.docker}/bin/docker run --rm --name nginx -p 80:80 nginx'';
       ExecStop = ''${pkgs.docker}/bin/docker stop -t 2 nginx'';

Save the file and run nixos-rebuild switch. It will run install docker and its dependencies. Build the systemd unit as you specified. Systemd will proceed to run docker and subsequently the myWebService unit. You can track its progress by running systemctl status myWebService, it will first have to download the image and its layers so it might take a little while but when it’s done visit your droplets IP address and see the wonder that is the nginx welcome page.

Hate Docker and/or the nginx welcome page? Simply remove the lines you just added and run nixos-rebuild switch again. It will clean everything up and when it’s done the service will have exitted and docker will be removed.

And repeat

You might have noticed that the configuration and functionality of your server is now fully defined in configuration.nix and the few files it includes all in /etc/nixos/. Provisioning extra nodes will simply be copying the configuration files, setting a different hostname and running nixos-rebuild switch.

That’s the future of configuration management.

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Hi I'm Tinco Andringa

I'm a software engineer based in The Netherlands. I like hacking in Ruby, Haskell, Rust, Go, CoffeeScript and C#. I work at Phusion, currently leading the development and operations of Union Station, a web applications monitoring and analytics service.

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